Saturday, December 1, 2012

Lucky Number 9!

December 1, 2012

Hi everyone!

It's me, Morgan!

November 29th was my 9 month birthday. Can you believe it? I feel so old. 

But, not as old as my Mom probably feels. She turned 408 months old on the same day! 

That's why my blog is a few days late - I gave Mom the night off to enjoy her birthday and my Dad is away, so she's extra busy taking care of me solo. (By the way, it was also Uncle Chris and Mom Mom's birthdays too this month - LOTS of reasons to celebrate!)

I just had my 9 month check up - and this time there were REALLY no shots. I was pretty relieved. I weighed in at 19 pounds, 4 ounces, I'm 30 inches long, and my head is 17.5 inches. Now, let's do a quick review, kids. That means I gained 1 pound, 6 ounces and grew 2.75 inches in 6 weeks! Oh and my head is slowly catching up (grew half an inch).

HELLO? This is obviously why my 9 month clothes don't fit! I'm busting out of them like the Incredible Hulk over here!

But being a growing baby is awesome because I get a new wardrobe every three months!

Being a growing baby is not awesome because I'm growing two teeth. They're not all the way in yet, but they're coming. And boy does it hurt. Mom says that's why God created infant Tylenol and Infant Ibuprofen!

I'm going to crawl any day now.

I've got crawling backwards down pat, but going forward is proving to be more challenging. I'm also starting to pull myself up on stuff, so I'm considering just skipping the whole crawling thing, and go straight to walking. I'll keep you posted.

I'm starting to become more attached to my Mom and Dad everyday. I'm okay when they take me to daycare because my teachers there are soooo awesome. But, these days, I prefer my parents to hang out with me ALL the time. Pretty much every minute until I fall asleep (on them).

Anyway, there was a lot going on during this past month. As you may remember, I turned 8 months old right when Hurricane Sandy came to town. Well, we took advantage of the power outage and took a road trip to see some family and go Trick-or-Treating. This time, I dressed up as a Ladybug!

First we stopped by to see my cousin Jaz,

Then Great Grandma Kathy, 

Great Grandma Evie and Great Grandpa,

and, of course Nana and Pop Pop!

On actual Halloween, I was in a parade at school!

Mom Mom even came!

At night, even though some places postponed neighborhood Trick-or-Treating, we went to meet some of our neighbors on the cul de sac!

This is me and my friend Blake from down the street (and Mom and Becca).

This is me with Blake and Blake's cousin Francesca.

I can't wait until I'm old enough to eat candy!

This month, I went on my first road trip to Penn State! My cousin Liza plays field hockey for the University at Albany and they made it to the playoffs - the game was held there.

I'm so glad my Mom had my "Go Liza" shirt clean from the laundry to wear.

I'm so proud of my cousin!

On November 18th, I got baptized at St. Miriam's. My whole family came and some of my friends too!

I started what I think is a promising career in pottery painting - I made this for Aunt Susan since she was my Godmom. 

I got my first school picture this month!

That's not the real picture - my parents have to order them. But, this is the outfit I wore. Great Grandma Kathy got it for me. My Mom said it reminds her of an outfit she had for school pictures when she was little. 

This month was also my first Thanksgiving! 

My Mom says she and Daddy are soooooo thankful for me and Samson, and each other. I told Mom I'm really thankful that I have so many people who love me so much. We both think I'm the luckiest baby in the whole world!

I also went to my first Fall Frolic! My Pop Pop rakes up all the leaves at his house into a HUGE pile and me and Mom and Dad and my aunts and uncles and cousins all jump in! I cant wait until I'm big enough to jump into the pile from the tire swing! I also heard Uncle Chris gives a very popular tire swing ride called an "Around the World." So, I'm really looking forward to next year when I'm a little bigger and can really throw some leaves!

Did I tell you that my Nana is opening an antique store and she's naming is after ME???? I got to visit and see - it's going to be really nice!

This is me and Nana in front of the store!

Take note of the Grand Opening, people. It's February 2nd - be there or be square!

Those were the big events. Otherwise, I've just been up the same old things... like hanging out with Samson, 

spending time with my Dad, 

going for walks with my Mom, 

and generally being my silly old self! 

My Mom and Dad think I get sillier and sillier every day!

Well, guess what? 

It's ONLY the beginning (wink, wink)!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 29, 2012

Hi everyone!

It's me, Morgan!

Today is my 8 month birthday!

Have you guys heard about this hurricane business? I have been really concerned, because how will people read my blog if the power is out?

Isn't my outfit pretty?

Oh, right, er, how will people read my blog?

Mom said the most important thing right now is that everyone stays SAFE! And she said she's pretty sure the very first thing everyone will be thinking about when the power comes back on is my blog.

WHEW! Okay!

So, about my month. Well, we had family dinner, which you might remember because that's when I asked Aunt Susan to be my God Mom. But, I also had a chance to hang out with Mom Mom, Pop, my cousins, and my Aunts and Uncles!

Me and Mom Mom talked fall decor.

She totally gets me!

Pop and I played "SO BIG" together - he's so funny!

My cousin Owen makes the funniest faces - he always makes me laugh!

And my cousin Thomas really makes sure I'm taken care of. I love when he gives me kisses!

Then, another night, Aunt Jen and my cousins Sean and Ian came to babysit me while my parents went out for the night. We had so much fun.

Aunt Jen let me try and feed myself!

I did pretty well, although I'm not a huge fan of peas, so I played with them a lot. Obviously, I was pretty dirty after that, so we had bath time. And Aunt Jen let me sit in the BIG tub! It was so much fun and much easier to play that way. So, that's how I roll now.

I visited Aunt Rosemarie again. I really enjoy going there. She really speaks my language!

I went back to CHOP for a quick check up with the GI doc. Good news - I'm all clear! Mom says I'm doing great. I only really spit up now when dad flips me around after eating :)

I weighed in at 17 pounds, 14 ounces and was 27.25 inches long. Mom thinks I'm at least 18.5 pounds by now. I do love to eat!

I had my monthly sleepover with Nana and Pop Pop.

Check out my John Deere! It looks just like my Dad's!

After I got back from my sleepover, I went to Ladies Who Lunch with Mom and Aunt Katie. I really do enjoy our girl time together.

We went to New Jersey to go pumpkin picking with my friend Corinne and her parents Randi and Bobby.

I got two little pumpkins for myself, which I've done a pretty great job of decorating!

Mom got me special paints that were okay to eat (in case Samson or I wanted to take a taste).

Samson wasn't really interested, so it was up to me to make some magic happen!

Mom helped me hold up the pumpkins, in order to create my masterpieces!

I called Dad over, so I could show him how everything works with the paints.

Then he got this BRILLIANT idea: let's get tattoos! I went first.

I thought it was going to be his turn next, but Dad has another great idea (sarcasm)....

My good Lord!

Luckily, it all washed off  in the BIG tub!

This month is also my first Halloween! I got to go to my first Keswick Village Trick-or-Treating night down in Glenside, where my Mom grew up. Aunt Jen, Owen, and Ian came. So did Aunt Susan, Uncle Tom, and Thomas!

I told my Mom she should take advantage of my red hair and try to think outside the box for my costume. We talked about it and finally decided that I would make an excellent Molly Ringwald! We have the same awesome hair, fair skin, full lips - let's face it, I'm a dead ringer! Mom gave me some options, but I decided the prom scene in Pretty in Pink was the way to go.

We started by going to pick out fabric together. Then, we worked on putting the pieces together.

We wanted to be as authentic as possible, but I just couldn't go bare shouldered like Ms. Ringwald did in the movie. So, we added a onesie to keep me nice and toasty!

I think we did pretty well!

The original:


I wish there had been a contest for me to win. 

That wig was ITCHY though, so I was happy to go al naturale for the rest of the evening. 

Hey, have you met my friend Blake yet? He lives down the street! It's so nice to have a friend so close by. My Mom and Dad really enjoy hanging out and watching Shark Tank with Blake's parents Becca and Jami.

Shark Tank is on at 8pm, which is pretty much my bed time, so I just go ahead and make myself comfortable on their floor or couch.

I can fall asleep pretty much anywhere. I mean, a girl has to have her beauty rest.

Besides all of that, I've just been laying low, playing with my Dad

and hanging out with my Mom,

and being a fashionista!

Oh, and Mom taught be how to fold Dad's undershirts. She said it's only fair that we suffer as a family.

So, as usual, it was a pretty busy month! I bet this month won't be any less crazy, since it's starting off with Hurricane Sandy! Me, Mom, Dad and Samson are just sitting tight, waiting for the storm to pass. We're saying lots of prayers for everyone's safety over the next few days.

Stay safe out there!

