Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hi! It's me, Morgan!

Miss Morgan is three months old today! Ben and I still can't believe how quickly time is flying. Morgan had a very busy month and wants to tell you all about it!

Hi! It's me, Morgan!

This month, I met a lot of new people, visited a lot of new places, and learned lots of new things.

On my two month birthday, I got to visit Mommy's grade school and go the Alumni Mass with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. During Mass, I was sleepy, so my cousin Thomas held me while I napped. Thomas just turned 3 years old - I got to go to his birthday party in Wilmington. He calls me Schmorgesmorgan, which I think is really funny and clever! Whenever I cry, he gives me lots of kisses. Sometimes, I just cry to get more kisses (but don't tell Thomas!).

When I wasn't busy attending parties, I've been working on my new talents, like grabbing on to toys, 

practicing my tummy time (who is that BEAUTIFUL baby in the mirror?),

and sitting in my Bumbo chair all by myself!

I also started sleeping through the night and in my crib!

And after weeks of trying, I finally figured out how to press the little blue nose on this dog to make music. I love to sit in my car seat and play with my toys!

This month, I met my Mom's friend Lynn.

She seemed pretty nice. She was allergic to Samson, so he had to stay in the mud room,
while I got all the attention.

I met Daddy's friends Eric and Amy.

I also met Mommy's friend Kelly from college.

I was trying to ask Cole and his Dad, Adam, if Aunt Kelly makes them work as hard as Mommy makes me and Daddy work.

You burn more calories if you have a baby attached. 

After spending all of that quality time helping my Dad, I was a little upset later on when Mommy told me what this onesie says. I have a lot of potential suitors (including my new friend Cole), and while I'm not ready to settle down right this second, I think no dating ever is a little extreme.

I digress. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, I guess.

This month, Nana took me on my very first sleepover ever! She picked me up after work and took me for a ride in her humongous Hummer. It was very cozy and very bouncy, which is perfect for napping!

I got to meet Great Nana Dot,

visit Great Grandma Evie and Great Granpa,

and Great Grandma Kathy!

I slept over at Nana's house. Nana and my second cousin Jaz gave me a bath and set me up for the night in my Rock 'n' Play. Nana said I did really well. I slept through the night, even away from home! Baron, Nana and Pop Pop's ginormous German Shepherd, helped keep an eye on me. He's even bigger than Samson!

Speaking of Samson.... I think he loves me best of all! He's always checking in with me to make sure I'm all right. He knows I'm not crazy about tummy time, so he cheers me on. 

He lets me rest on him, when I get a little tired~

And he's always giving me kisses!

Happy Three Month Birthday!

Me and Mommy were really sad when she had to go back to work. But, someone has to bring home the bacon to support me and my fashion habit, so reluctantly, I got ready for my first day at school.

I seriously have about 37 pairs of shoes!

My teachers at daycare think I'm the bomb. They asked Mommy and Daddy if I'm always happy at home, because I'm an angel at school. Mommy and Daddy thought that was a funny question to ask and laughed very, very hard. I'm not sure why because - duh - of course I am always happy.

At the end of my first week, on Friday, Mom brought me to work instead of daycare. I met a lot of new people and Mommy put me right to work.

Mom says I have to earn my keep.

On the last day of my third month, I took my first ride in Dad's new Mustang, 

to go to my first Memorial Day picnic at Uncle Chris and Aunt Jen's house. I wore my first bathing suit from my Aunt Colleen, even though I never got to go swimming. Mommy wants to know what super genius made a bathing suit for a 3 month old baby that doesn't have snaps in the crotch for diaper changing. But, I mean, sometimes you have to do things in the name of fashion, so...

Right? It's adorable!

I was really glad to see Aunt Jen, because we had a LOT of catching up to do. 

I don't know what bulimic means, but that reminds me, I learned how to put my fist in my mouth! Sometimes it makes me projectile vomit. Mom says that's why God created bibs, burp clothes, and washing machines. I say that's why God created Samson! 

Me and Uncle Tom got to spend some quality time together too - I think he's soooo funny!

Check out my adorable and festive sandals from Aunt Katie!

I also got to hang out with Aunt Susan (she's super comfy for naps and our hair kind of matches - she's pretty!), Uncle Chris and my cousins, Pop, and Uncle Timmy & Uncle Michael!

It was a really long, but fun day! I can't wait for the Fourth of July (for a number of reasons, including the adorable outfit I have to wear, of course!).

And that brings us to today, my three month birthday. Mom says it seems like I change every day. Dad is a sucker for my big smiles and belly laughs (he says it's only a matter of time until I truly appreciate farts). I can do so many new things now and they can't wait to see what this next month brings! Mom promises to blog more often so you can see what I'm up to more than once a month!
