Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!

January 6, 2013

Hi everyone!

It's me, Morgan!


You probably noticed my blog is a little late. Since there was much going on over the holidays, Mom and I decided to hold off until after the new year to post about December.

First of all, can you believe I'm 10 MONTHS OLD already?

Neither can we! And boy was it a full month of firsts for me, so sit back, relax and enjoy a long read!

This month I learned to CRAWL! My Dad caught my very first crawl forward before school in the morning. My Mom was there for the second. And by the time I got home from daycare that same evening, I was a crawling maniac.

It was exhausting at first. But, you know who's exhausted now? My parents - HAHAHA! My Dad said he was really excited to see me crawl for the first time. But, now he knows it means I can get anywhere I want any time I want. They have to be pretty fast to catch up with me these days.

I'm also talking quite a bit. I've got "Dadada" down pat. I throw in a few "Mamamas" now and then to keep my Mom happy. And every once in a while I break out an actual word. One time, I said "Achoo" after I sneezed, the way my Mom does to make me laugh. Another time, I answered a question my dad asked me. Mom caught it on film - check it out!

I'm probably just a baby genius.

Let's see, what else? My cousin Sean turned 7 years old. And this month was Aunt Rosemarie's 60th birthday!

I went to Aunt Rosemarie's 60th birthday party at Inglis House, where she lives. It was a surprise party, which is my most favorite kind of party. Aunt Rosemarie was so surprised!

It was a really fun party!

Mostly this month revolved around the holidays. I could really get used to this Christmas thing. It was just 100% gift and attention getting FUN for me!

The very first thing we did was get my first picture with Santa Claus!

As you can see, I wasn't so sure about him at first,

I warmed up a little, but that was short lived.

But, I got to wear my Christmas party dress early, so it was all good!

Next on our list was to decorate the outside of the house. Mom prefers colored lights, but my Dad persuaded her to go with white this year. What do you think?

Samson really enjoys looking at the lights through the front window.

I prefer to admire them through the front door, while we wait for Daddy to get home from work.

After the outside was all finished, we set about decorating the inside of the house. I started trying to figure out the lights situation.



I told Mom that we really needed a Christmas tree before we continued to deal with the light nonsense. Mom agreed. And besides, since Dad got white lights outside, we were definitely using colored lights on the tree inside.

All that work for nothing.

Grumble, grumble, grumble.

So, we went to cut down a Christmas tree and Nana and Pop Pop's house.

This is me and my Mom and Dad before my Dad cut down the tree I picked out.

Good choice, right?

It was pretty big, so Pop Pop helped carry it to the truck.

And, well, I don't know what happened next! Pop Pop and Dad "pruned" the tree and we ended up with this. Mom said there was no way we were spending money on another one.

After some lights, ornaments, and an angel on top, our little tree turned out pretty great! And I agree with Mom, colored lights are much cooler than plain old white ones.

Later in the month, right before Christmas, my Mom's best friend, Aunt Colleen, came home from Florida for a visit. So, we had a little shin dig with all my Mom's friends to welcome her home!

I let the adults mingle, and spent some time with my best girlfriend, Addison. I showed her pretty much everything you need to know about the trash can.

Then, Addison and I had some serious girl talk. She's bigger than me and knows all sorts of things I don't know yet.

Then, the BIG day arrived! On Christmas Eve, we stopped in to visit Aunt Rosemarie. I was really excited to give her some Christmas presents!

Then, we headed down to Mass at St. Luke's with Mom Mom and Pop, and Aunt Jen, Uncle Chris and my cousins. After Church, I was pooped!

But, a little playtime with my cousins perked me right back up!

Before we left, we snapped a cousins PJs picture! The boys and I were SO excited for Santa to come!

When we got home, Mom made sure we got the traditional picture of me in a giant stocking, read "T'was The Night Before Christmas" and headed to bed. 

Christmas morning was the most fun, though! We woke up early, as usual. I had a leisurely breakfast. Then, we got right to opening gifts!

Samson went first - he got a stocking full of treats!

Then, I opened my stocking. It was full of magnets for the fridge, which I played with immediately. 

Dad opened his. I got him a special key chain for being such a great Dad!

Then Mom showed me what Santa brought me!

I was really more than happy with the bow. But, it turns out there was something inside too! 

Mom helped me open the gift - it's a set of wooden blocks. Mom said she had some just like them when she was little. They're lots of fun - Santa made a good choice.

The box is a good time too.

Dad opened up his gifts. He got a new drill from Santa,

and a Chord Buddy from Mom! We saw it on Shark Tank one Friday night and I told Mom she should get it for Dad. I'm pretty much the best gift giver.

I checked, but there was nothing extra in there for me.

Mom got a new set of pots and pans from Dad.

 What a delightful morning!

Mom said the whole family was coming over to celebrate my very first Christmas with me. So, I crawled right over to the door to wait for them.

Unfortunately, Mom said I had to take a nap first. Blast!

Soon enough, Nana and Pop Pop came over!

They brought me lots of really wonderful presents. 

Later on, Aunt Susan, Uncle Tommy, and Batman came over.

So did Aunt Jen, Uncle Chris, Ian, Sean, and Owen; and Uncle Tim and Uncle Michael; and Great Grandma Evie and Great Grandpa, and Great Grandma Kathy; and My Aunt Laurie and my cousins Jaz and Liza, and Logan too! It was a BLAST!

Unfortunately, Pop got a nasty stomach flu, so he and Mom Mom didn't make it over. BUT then I got to have Christmas again at Uncle Tim's house!

I got a cool Elmo books, some cute clothes, an apron to help my Mom bake, and the Snoopy spoon and fork my Mom used when she was a kid!

Pop got a banjo! I can't wait to hear him play!

We also went to visit Uncle Mike and Aunt Maureen in NJ. My cousins Andy, Melissa and Peter were there, along with the whole McLoone clan. I wore one of my new sassy outfits from Aunt Katie.

Aunt Maureen and Uncle Michael got me my very first Vera Bradley purse!

If you're counting, that was Christmas #3 ya'll. Guess what? I had TWO more!

Christmas #4 was with Great Grandma Kathy. I got all gussied up in another party dress and headed out to Myerstown!

This says "Morgan!"

I got a baby doll, 

some cool new outfits,

and probably my most favorite gift was my new toothbrush and toothpaste kit. Mom says it's never too early to start good dental hygiene habits.

I also did a great job helping Grandma Kathy open her gifts. I was really excited to give her a new web cam so we can video chat in between visits!

Christmas #5 was with all of the Morgans at Great Grandma Evie and Great Grandpa's house!

Of course me and Grandpa spent lots of time being silly together.

He helped me take a ride on my new horsey! 

I also got some cool new books, toys, and clothes from all of my Morgans. I'm such a lucky girl!

Good thing there are a few days of rest between Christmas and New Year's, because I was spent! Mom had to go to work for two days. I got to have a sleepover with Nana on one of the days. On the other one, me and Dad went to work with Mom!

The office was empty, so I was free to roam around and play with everything!

I did relax a little and watch some Elmo. Thank goodness Mom has two computer screens, because she still needed to work!

That was actually the second time I got to go to work with my Mom in December. The first time was a little more fun because there were a lot more people around to admire me. AND, the Senior Vice President asked for my input on some really important business decisions. I think I have a bright future at Drexel.

On New Year's Eve, I got to go into the city for the first time. We met up with my friend Owen (who is going to be a BIG brother in June!) and his parents Jason and Kelly. We watched a cool show at the Comcast Center,

and another at Macy's

got a picture in Love Park, 

and went out to eat!

I had a very busy week of socializing - and one more party to go. I went to my  first New Year's Eve party at our neighbor's house and hung out with Jami and Becca, Jami's family, and my good friend Blake. 

WHEW, right?

Mom and Dad have been thinking a lot about where they were last year at this time. They had just celebrated their last Christmas at our old house and were busy preparing our new house for my arrival. So much has happened since then! It's a good thing I'm such an excellent blogger :)


P.S. Samson is doing great too! Winter is totally his season, so he really enjoyed playing out in the snow while it lasted!

P.P.S Please forgive the formatting and any grammar/spelling mistakes. By the time my Mom got this all together and took down all the holiday decorations, she just couldn't stand to take one more look through. I gave her a free pass for the month!