Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Did you think I was finished?

April 26, 2013

Hi everyone!

It's me, Morgan!

Do you like my school picture? I got this BEAUTIFUL dress from Aunt Erin and Miss Addison for my birthday. Mom and I decided my school picture day was the perfect occasion for such sassy outfit.

But, this picture is SO infant room last week!

Guess what today was? My very first full day in the Toddler Room at school. I sure am growing up fast!

I got a new back pack and a cool sleeping bag for my new classroom. Don't let this face fool you, I am really excited. Miss Melanie is one of my most favorite teachers and she shares her guacamole with me, so getting to spend all day with her is okay with me!

And today is doubly lucky because I'm finally back to blogging. Did you think I was finished blogging because I haven't written in a while?


I'm back.

Lots of fun stuff happened during the last few months. I plan to make sure you're fully updated with a short photo album in my next blog post.

And I'm mostly smiling in those pictures :)

And I promise to be in touch more often from now on!

Miss Morgan