Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Our week "downashore!"

August 28, 2013

Hi everyone!

It's me, Morgan!

I just got back from a relaxing week "downashore" with Mom and Dad and our neighbors, Aunt B., Jamie, and Blake!

Before I get to that, let me give a quick shout out to Uncle Tim, whose birthday was yesterday, and Aunt Susan, whose birthday is today! Happy Birthday Uncle T. and Godmom!

Anyway, back to moi...

I had so. much. fun.

Mom said she can't believe how different it is to take a toddler on a trip... long gone are the days of packing a suitcase and someone else worrying about food, etc. Just look at everything we had to pack up!

But, it was worth it to have many of the comforts of home - like all my toys, all my cute outfits, all my accessories, and some stuff for Mom and Dad too.

You might have noticed I didn't mention anything about Samson. He stayed the week with Nana and Pop Pop. I'm pretty sure he was spoiled rotten and while I'd normally be jealous because Nana and Pop Pop should be spoiling me rotten, I was pretty excited to go to the sea shore, so I can overlook it.

Dad and I got our shades on and we were "on the way to Cape May!"

The first two days we were at the shore, it was rainy, so I put on my hat and settled in with Dad to watch some Memlo.

But, let me tell you all about my first time at the beach - OMG - it was amazing!

There are SO many birds there!

And this sand? Whoa!

And then - THEN - Daddy took me to see the water.

Guys, I could just spend the rest of my life on the beach!

This is Blake's Mommy, Aunt B.!

One day, Mom, Dad, and I explored the Cape May Lighthouse.

It's 199 steps to the tippy top!

So, I got all strapped in for the ride up!

But, it turns out you can't use a carrier, so Dad had to carry me allllll the way up.
I l-o-v-e climbing stairs at home, but 199 is just too many for my little legs to handle.

Me and Dad checked out this peephole on the way.

 And Mom signed the guest book when we got to the top.

Then we ventured out to see the view. HOLY SMOKES! We all felt a little off balance because of the height, even though the view was beautiful. We stayed a few minutes, then headed back down. Dad is still complaining about his sore quads!

After burning all those calories, we decided it was time to visit the boardwalk in Wildwood to ride some rides and get some ice cream!

 My very first ride was the Pink Elephants! Mommy got dizzy, but I had a great time!

Then, me and Dad went on the Carousel,

and I rode a mini roller coaster with Mom!

After all that excitement, I was a little tuckered out and it looked like it might rain, so I was less than enthused about getting ice cream (I know, looking back, I realize that makes no sense whatsoever).

Have you ever had Kohr Bros. custard down the shore?

Well, let me tell you, one taste of chocolate vanilla swirl with rainbow jimmies and I was hooked!

We managed to make it to the car just before the rain started. It was a great night with my parents!

Those are the highlights of our first family vacation! We did lots of other stuff, like some shopping, we visited the Cape May Brewery, went out for all you can eat crablegs, and pancakes for breakfast. I could go on and on about how wonderful my first trip down the shore was.

I'm choosing not to dwell on those meltdowns in every restaurant we visited or the necessity for time outs after I hit my friend Blake with my Melmo DVD and kicked him in the head. Mommy's always telling us to focus on the positive...

Speaking of Blake, we made up. I said I was sorry and gave him a big hug we're tight again.

That's all for now!


P.S. Samson has a GREAT week with Nana and Pop Pop, but I was so happy to see him when he got back!