Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sister Sadie Reporting...

Hi everyone!

It's me, Sadie!

The Sadie Mae Gibble you've all been hearing about.

My sister, Morgan, told me all about her blog and how she updates you on all the cool stuff our family is doing each month. Unfortunately, it sounds like she and my Mom have been slacking on the monthly reports. Like, for a whole year. Obviously, I need to start getting involved. Especially now that I'm becoming such a big girl!

Let's start at the beginning. I was born on September 3, 2014 at 5:24 a.m. I was 10 pounds, 6 ounces and 21 inches long. My head was 14.5 inches around.

As I understand it, that made me one pretty big baby. My Mom had a little trouble getting me out, but she says I am totally worth it. I mean, look at this face - of course I am!

So, let me tell you the whole story. When I still didn't come out a week after my due date, the doctor told my Mom to go to the hospital to get induced. So, my parents went out to celebrate their third wedding anniversary, then drove to the hospital. But, when they arrived, the doctors decided it was likely that I would make an appearance very soon, on my own time, and sent everyone home.

Only two hours (and one very Nascar-like car ride) later, my parents were back, because I made it perfectly clear that I was ready to come out. This is the last picture of my Mom with me inside her belly.  This picture was taken during the first trip to the hospital. By the time they came back for round two, my Mom was NOT smiling.

After 6 more hours of labor and pushing, I finally popped out (like, literally flew out. Ask my Mom and Dad - it's a good story.). Here I am just seconds after I made my entrance!

The doctor and nurses all took bets about what I must weigh, but no one guessed I was almost ten and a half pounds! My Mom doesn't even know how I fit in her belly (or, frankly, how she even got me out). 

Once I calmed down a little bit, we were able to get a new family photo.

And then I got the best news of my life (like all 5 minutes of it) -- I have a BIG SISTER! Well, you guys know her, of course. Her name is Morgan Rose. And she is the BEST! Here's a picture of us when we first met.

My sister, Morgan, helps me with everything. She comes in every morning and when I wake up from naps to say hello and give me hugs and kisses. She makes sure I always have a paci. She shares her toys with me, even though I'm still a little too small to play with them. My Mom said she practiced with her baby dolls before I was born, so she'd be ready to help when I arrived. And all that hard work paid off, because she's the greatest big sister ever.

Over the past several weeks, I have done a lot of growing!

I forget how much I weighed when I left the hospital, but it was just under 10 pounds. When I went to the doctor for my 3 day check up (which was actually 5 days), I weighed 10 pounds even, was 22 inches long (I grew an inch!) and my head was the same at 14.5 inches around.

Guys, it was cold!

Here I am on my one month birthday!

At my one month visit (I was 5 weeks), I weighed 11 pounds, 8 ounces. I was 23.25 inches long and my head grew two inches to 16.5 inches around.

Most recently, on my 2 month visit (at which I was 10 weeks old), I weighed in at a whopping 14 pounds, 7 ounces! Right? 

I was 24.75 inches long and my head is still 16.5 inches around. 
Here I am on my second month birthday!

I go back again for a four month check up in January. But, I am a healthy baby!

I sleep through the night most nights, though I'm not in my actual crib yet. I smile all the time. I've rolled over from my belly to my back a few times. I enjoy tummy time and am starting to hold on to toys. I don't like my bumbo chair that much, but I do like sitting up. I really like my play mat. 

I got to dress up for my first Halloween and go trick-or-treating with my sister. 

And guess what? Nana named a store after me! I get the whole second floor of Miss Morgan's Milkweed Antiques. It's called Sister Sadie Second Floor Market. How cool is that?

This week, I started going to school with my sister! I'm in the infant room downstairs, while my sister is upstairs in the toddler room. She's very, very busy learning big kid stuff and playing with her friends, so I don't see her much during the day. But we get to spend some time together in the afternoon while we wait for Daddy to come get us. 

This is me and my sister on my first day of school!

During these past (almost) three months, I've met a lot of new people. It's easy to see how blessed I am already - there are soooo many people who love me so very much!

I'm really excited about my first Thanksgiving and Fall Frolic this week - and then Christmas! More updates from me and Morgan will be coming your way!

So far, life has been a blast! 


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Well, everyone....

Hi everyone!

It's me, Morgan!

Can you believe it's been a whole year since I last wrote to you? Listen, it was a busy one and time just flew by. There's waaaaay too much to catch you up on, so me and my Mom picked out one or two pictures from each month so far in 2014 to show you what we've been up to.

I'll actually start with Christmas. I got the best. gift. ever. My Mommy told me I was going to be a BIG sister. Now, at the time, I had absolutely no idea what that meant, but it seemed like a pretty big deal.

I know a LOT more now about being a big sister. But, we'll get to that a little later on. First, let's get back to those 8 months in 2014 that were still about about me! Me! Me!

In January, I mainly just played in the snow. It snowed a lot this year. Like, a lot. My Dad went out plowing with our neighbor Jami. I enjoyed watching him work from my post in the front window.

In February, the big deal was my second birthday! My Mom and I checked off the items I accomplished on my three year plan. The only item left was to be a big sister, which I was well on my way to completing.

Now, as you recall, my real, actual, birth day only comes around every four years. So, I usually get to celebrate on two days - one at school and one with my family. This year, we had cupcakes at school and all my friends sang to me! 

Then, the next day, my Mom, Dad, and I went to the zoo! My friend Asher and his parents, Luke and Karen, came too!

I also got to have a birthday party with all of my family and some more of my friends! It was really a great way to kick off my third year!

That Elmo cake was deeeeelicious!

Gosh, it's really, really hard to pick just one picture from each month!

In March, my Mom and I celebrated her most favorite holiday - St. Patricks's Day - by meeting up with Aunt Katie and some other friends for the St. Patty's Day parade in Conshohocken. It was TONS of fun!

In April, we celebrated Easter! The Easter Bunny brought me a lot of special treats. My favorite was my new Superman super hero t-shirt with a cape.

In May, Aunt Katie took me to the Devon Horse Show. We went last year and it was fun, but I was too little to do very much. This year, I could go on a few rides and play some games. I really started to understand why everyone loves funnel cake so much!

In June, I officially started potty training. While it took a little while for me to get it, I was completely trained in about a month. My Dad helped make it fun and I got M&Ms for trying, so there was excellent motivation :)

We also went on a family vacation in June - to the mountains. It was a blast! My friend Asher and his family came too. We went fishing, I went out on the lake in a boat with my Dad, we went to a zoo, a carnival, a state park, and we relaxed and played all week long.

In July, we celebrated the Fourth of July in Glenside. This year, we even got cool Glenside t-shirts to wear. I watched the parade with my cousins and had a delicious BBQ at Mom Mom and Pop's house.

In August, I officially moved into my new bedroom and into my big girl bed. I love it in there. I have all my special stuffed animal friends. I still call out for my parents in the morning, but for right now, they're happy I haven't decided to just get out of bed on my own. 

Since I was in my new room, in my new bed, I decided it was time to get my old crib ready for my sister. Unfortunately, there were no stuffed animals for Sadie! I went shopping with Mom to get her some stuffed animals of her own. I bought her TWO puppies, because two is my most favorite number.

We tried to squeeze as much fun as we could into the month of August while we waited for my sister to arrive. We went to the Philadelphia Zoo, we celebrated Samson's birthday (I got him a new bone), we had a BBQ so I could approve of Aunt Katie's new boyfriend (Oh Em Gee - they are soooo cute together!), I went to a bunch of birthday parties, and went to a cool playground in Philly.

Sadie was due on Uncle Tim's birthday (August 27th). Aunt Susan was hoping she would arrive on her birthday (August 28th). But, instead, Sadie waited a whole extra week to come out (just like me!).

This is my little sister, Sadie Mae Gibble.

Guys, isn't she beautiful?

The doctor took Sadie out of Mommy's belly on September 3, 2014 at 5:24 a.m. She came into the world at 10 pounds, 6 ounces and 21 inches long. Her head was 14.5 inches around.

In case you didn't know it, that is a BIG baby. BIG. Huge. (Anyone catch that Pretty Woman reference?)

Mommy and Sadie stayed in the hospital for a few days. I stayed with Nana and Pop Pop one night and my Dad came home with me on the other nights. I sure am glad to have everyone under one roof again.

I want to be honest, when I first met my sister, I wasn't completely sold.

But, after just a little more time, I really warmed up and started embracing all my big sister duties. I really have a lot on my plate. I hold Sadies's hand when she's getting her diaper changed. I give her a paci when she starts crying. I hold the bottle when she's getting fed. I have to check on her pretty much every 5 minutes, just to make sure she's doing all right. I make sure she has her stuffed animals available. And I give her lots and lots of hugs and kisses.

Sometimes I'm concentrating SO HARD on all my big sister duties, I kind of miss a lot of what my Mom and Dad are saying. Like, pretty much, I don't listen at all. I understand this is completely normal for a big sister my age, but my Mom says I would try the patience of a saint. Fortunately for all of us, I'm still cute as a button, so one flash of my killer smile and mischievous eyes and my Mom is like putty in my hands.

Now, Samson, on the other hand, had no trouble warming up to Sadie at all. He loves to sniff her and lick her face - and she loves him too!

By October, we had gotten the Gibble family back in the groove of things. The big event this month was Halloween! All of us dressed up as Batman!

So, we're doing pretty well. I'm an excellent big sister. Sadie sleeps through the night (most of the time). My Mom is going back to work in December, after Thanksgiving and her birthday. And guess what? Sadie gets to come to school with me!!! I'm so excited. I love to show her off when she comes with my Mom to pick me up in the afternoon. I just love her to pieces.

And we haven't forgotten about Samson. Sadie and I make sure he gets lots of extra treats and lots of extra hugs. He's our best buddy!

So, that's a quick look at what we've been up to. I'd love to share more, but this post would be much too long. I promise to start writing again more often. With Thanksgiving, Fall Frolic, and Chrismas coming up soon, I'll have a lot to share!

And Sadie is working on a post for you too. She's grown a whole lot since we brought her home 11 weeks ago. But, I'll let her tell you all about it.
