Friday, June 29, 2012

Time is FLYIN' - 4 Months!

Hi everyone! It's me, Morgan!

Today is my 4 Month Birthday! Can you believe how quickly time is flying by?

I had another busy month - I am quite the social butterfly. I have so many neat things to tell you! 

Where should I begin?

Well, first, Nana decided she really wanted to have me over for another slumber party this month. I had a blast last time I stayed overnight with her, so I told Mom to pack me up! 

Daddy told me it was Nana's birthday that weekend! I told him we needed to have a PARTY! I'm not very coordinated with my hands yet, so I gave the directions and put Mom and Dad to work decorating my nursery

and baking a cake

and we all went out together to pick out a gift. I put on my most fancy party dress and Nana was SO SURPRISED!

After all that fun, I was exhausted and ready to take a nippy nap in Nana's truck on the way back to her house. While I was there I got to meet Nana's friend, Lincoln.

Obviously, he thought I was too cute for words. 

I also got to meet up with Great Grandma Evie and Great Grandpa, my cousins and their booooooyfriends for breakfast.

I'm not sure what "Amish" means yet,
but that's apparently what the painting is of behind us. 

Speaking of boyfriends, I got my first proposal this month!

Okay, his name is Asher, and he was born on June 6, 2012. I am a little older, but Mom says that's okay because she's about the same amount older than my Dad. And she said based on the maturity level of our Dads, Asher will probably also need an older woman to keep him in line. We haven't officially met yet, because Asher is still very little and I had the sniffles, but I'm REALLY excited to see him in person soon!

I had lots of girl time with my Mom, while my Dad was working on the dining room. Soon enough, I'll start eating solid foods, so dinner in the family room won't cut it anymore.

Mom and I go walking with Aunt Erin a lot on Saturday mornings. Sometimes I take a nap, but I really enjoy looking up at the sky and the trees. Last week, Mom and I sat on a bench afterward and watched all the people taking tours of Valley Forge. I got a lot of compliments, especially from a group from California!

Oh Mom!

We visited Aunt Rosemarie again!

AND, I got to do ladies who lunch with Mom, Aunt Jess, and Aunt Erin at Nifty Fifties!

I was a little distracted.

Aunt Jess said I'm too little for bubblgum soda,
but she'll share with me when I'm older. 

My Mom said that when she was little, and Pop took her and my aunt and uncles to see her Mom Mom, they always listened to this one tape in the car on the way down. She says every time she hears one of the songs from the tape, she knows her Mom Mom is around somewhere.

Anyway, I had been having a little bit of a rough week (which turned out to be that big growth spurt I told you about a few weeks ago). Mom was nervous about taking me to lunch with the girls. But, she told my Dad that a "Mom Mom song" came on, and I was happy as a clam. Obviously her Mom Mom was hanging around again!

June is a very special month because I got to celebrate my main man: my Dad.

For Father's Day, I made him this picture at school

and cheered him on at softball

and then went to Nana and Pop Pops for a BBQ!

I love my Dad. We do all sorts of stuff together. He wakes me up every morning, gives me breakfast and we catch some Mike & Mike on ESPN

He's still very sleepy sometimes. 

And at night, he gives me a bath and a bottle, and makes me laugh until it's time to hit the hay.

My Dad is the greatest.

Samson's doing well too!

Let's see....what else? Well, I talk more all the time, and I giggle out loud. I can touch my toes and put my feets in my mouth. I rolled over once at school, but I haven't shown Mom and Dad that trick yet. I love to try standing with help.

Mom got me a little baby pool for the backyard. It was a great opportunity to show off my stylish bathing suit and cap from Nana. The water was a bit cold for my taste and Dad kept splashing me. But, I think I'll try it again soon!

Next week, I go to the doctor for my four month check up. I heard there are some shots involved.

Say what?

But Mommy says I took them like a champ last time, so she's not too worried. 


I can't wait to see how much I've grown since last time I was there!

July is going to be a really fun month - I know it already! I get to meet some of Mommy's grad school friends this weekend, and then Mom Mom and Pop are coming over. I have my very first Glenside Fourth of July coming up next week, so I get to see all of my Aunts and Uncles and my cousins. And I'm definitely having another sleepover at Nana and Pop Pops in a few weeks when my Mom goes to Florida to see her best friend. I'm also hoping to go to the beach for the first time soon and spend more time in my pool!

Life. Is. Good. 


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Today is a special day!

Hi everyone! It's me, Morgan!

Today is a very special day - it's Mom Mom and Pop's 41st wedding anniversary!

Mom says they're a really good example of marriage - of sticking by one another in good times and bad, in sickness and in health. I don't know how long 41 years is, but it sounds like a very long time.

Mom showed me some pictures of Mom Mom and Pop on their wedding day.

Doesn't Mom Mom look beautiful?

Oh, Pop! He's so silly!

Look at these two lovebirds!

Mom Mom with her Bridesmaids. Aunt Rosemarie was her Maid of Honor!
And check out those head pieces - OH MY!

This is my Mom's most favorite picture of Mom Mom and Pop.

I almost didn't recognize Pop without his awesome mustache!

She told me how she wore Mom Mom's veil and train with her wedding dress, when she married my Dad, and how she wears Mom Mom's engagement diamond in her engagement ring from my Dad. She says it must be very good luck since these two made it so long :) I sure hope so, because my parents are a hand full.

Happy Anniversary Mom Mom & Pop!


Friday, June 8, 2012

Long, lean, pooping machine!

We weren't scheduled to see the pediatrician again until Morgan's four month check up. However, Miss Morgan has been having some trouble with what I would personally describe as excessive spit up. While I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, we will be visiting a gastroenterologist at CHOP in the coming weeks to rule out reflux.

Since we visited the doctor, we got a chance to weigh and measure the little munchkin - and she's not so little anymore!

Morgan weighed in at 14 pounds, 3 ounces -- up from 12 pounds at her two month check up. She's 25 inches long! This was an increase of 2.25 inches since our last visit. Her head remains 16 inches in circumference. It looks like her body is trying to catch up to that head!

She's like a whole new baby :)

Morgan wasn't super jazzed about being at the doctor.
Growing is tough!