Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Today is a special day!

Hi everyone! It's me, Morgan!

Today is a very special day - it's Mom Mom and Pop's 41st wedding anniversary!

Mom says they're a really good example of marriage - of sticking by one another in good times and bad, in sickness and in health. I don't know how long 41 years is, but it sounds like a very long time.

Mom showed me some pictures of Mom Mom and Pop on their wedding day.

Doesn't Mom Mom look beautiful?

Oh, Pop! He's so silly!

Look at these two lovebirds!

Mom Mom with her Bridesmaids. Aunt Rosemarie was her Maid of Honor!
And check out those head pieces - OH MY!

This is my Mom's most favorite picture of Mom Mom and Pop.

I almost didn't recognize Pop without his awesome mustache!

She told me how she wore Mom Mom's veil and train with her wedding dress, when she married my Dad, and how she wears Mom Mom's engagement diamond in her engagement ring from my Dad. She says it must be very good luck since these two made it so long :) I sure hope so, because my parents are a hand full.

Happy Anniversary Mom Mom & Pop!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Ellen & Peter ... we hope you have another 41 years of happiness ... Love your wedding pictures. Boy, Susan sure does look like her Mother. XOXOX Love Troy & Diane

    Miss Morgan sure is a Great News Reporter!!!
