Friday, June 8, 2012

Long, lean, pooping machine!

We weren't scheduled to see the pediatrician again until Morgan's four month check up. However, Miss Morgan has been having some trouble with what I would personally describe as excessive spit up. While I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, we will be visiting a gastroenterologist at CHOP in the coming weeks to rule out reflux.

Since we visited the doctor, we got a chance to weigh and measure the little munchkin - and she's not so little anymore!

Morgan weighed in at 14 pounds, 3 ounces -- up from 12 pounds at her two month check up. She's 25 inches long! This was an increase of 2.25 inches since our last visit. Her head remains 16 inches in circumference. It looks like her body is trying to catch up to that head!

She's like a whole new baby :)

Morgan wasn't super jazzed about being at the doctor.
Growing is tough!

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