Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fabulous Five!

July 29, 2012

Hi everyone! It's me, Morgan!

I'm 5 months old today! Can you believe it??

Do you like my outfit?

It's from my Aunt Kelly. I've been waiting to be big enough to fit in to it. Mommy thinks I look soooooo pretty.



But, go on. 

Speaking of being big enough, my Mom neglected to update everyone on my 4 month stats. I weighed in at 14 pounds, 13 ounces. I was 25 inches long, and my head is a whopping 16.75 around.

Since I don't have a 5 month check in with the doctor, I don't have any new information to share, but Mom says I get bigger everyday. I'm officially out of all of my 3 month old clothes and fitting better and better in 6 month clothes every day. I loooooove my new wardrobe!

Mom mentioned in a previous post that I was going to visit CHOP for a check up on my spitting up problem. The doctor there says it's probably just reflux and nothing to worry about. He said for my Mom and Dad to start feeding me solid foods and get an upper GI scan to make sure all of my pipes are in working order.

So, we went back to CHOP later in the month. I wasn't allowed to eat for 3 hours! Then, they gave me this gross white stuff to drink (barium) and watched it go through my body.

You wouldn't be happy either if you were being starved to death. 
The good news is I'm just fine! I'm still spitting up all the time, but eventually I'll grow out of it. My Mom says she has enough bibs to make a really nice quilt for her grandchildren someday. So, there's that.

On the Fourth of July before heading down to Glenside for a picnic at Mom Mom and Pop's house, I got to try real food for the first time. We broke out the high chair and got right to business.

I was hoping for something better, but we started out with some rice cereal.

So far, I've tried rice cereal, bananas, avocado, pears, and zucchini. Up next are apples and squash.

Later, I put on my most patriotic outfit and headed down to the Glenside Fourth of July celebration!

Guys - It. Was. HOT.

I cooled off in the baby pool Pop set up for me and my cousins.

Eventually, I just had to strip down to cool off. I hung out with Cathy, Mom Mom and Pop's next door neighbor. My Mom used to babysit Cathy's kids when she was younger. 

The parade passes right by Mom Mom and Pop's house, so we just sat in the driveway and watched. It was very, very loud. Uncle Chris came by in a fire truck! It was really awesome. Mom says this is her most favorite holiday - I think it could be mine too!

We didn't stick around to watch the fireworks from Uncle's Chris and Aunt Jen's house. I was T-I-R-E-D. Also, Samson is scared of fireworks and Mom and Dad didn't know how loud they might be in the new house. Next year though, it's ON!

Let's see, what else?

Well, this month I had TWO sleepovers at Nana and Pop Pop's. One afternoon, Nana decided she just HAD to have me over, so she came down to pick me up at lunchtime the next day. We visited all my great grandparents and I got lots of cool presents.

Great Grandma Kathy has a little baby carriage at her house. She said I can push it around with baby dolls in it when I'm a little older.

Great Grandma Evie and Great Grandpa got me this cool rocking horse to play on. I'm still too small to do it myself, so my cousin Jaz helped me.

And Nana and Pop Pop made me a cool new chair. It has my name on it!

I also learned what the phrase "not cool" means.

After rice cereal and bananas, Nana teases me with this? Not cool, Nana. Not cool.

I also had a sleepover party at Nana's when my Mommy went on a trip to Florida with Aunt Katie to visit Aunt Colleen.

I was pretty devastated when I woke up in the morning and my Mommy wasn't there.

Just kidding! Me and my Dad partied a little too hard and I fell asleep in my high chair while Dad was in the shower. It's a pretty tough life.

Anyway, I spent the weekend with Nana and Pop Pop while my Mom was away and my Dad worked on the living room at home. We made our usual rounds to visit the fam and I went to my first field hockey game!

My cousin Liza is a really good field hockey player! I can't WAIT to visit her at the University of Albany next year to see some of her games! They're called the Great Danes, which I'm not too sure about. But their school color is purple, which is my very favorite color, so I'm sure I can get on board.

I had a great time with Nana and Pop Pop, but I sure was happy to see my Mommy and Daddy again when I got home.

I love my Dad sooooo much!

This month, I also went to visit Aunt Rock and Jake and Uncle Willie. I finally fit into all my Puma gear from Aunt Cupcake (who is the same person as Aunt Rock, and also known as Aunt Lauren - Mom keeps calling her all different things!).


This is me with Aunt Lauren and Jake. Future suitor?

Look at Uncle Willie's beard! 

We took a road trip to Northern PA to see Uncle Chuck and Aunt Kate and Ava and Nico.

I went to my friend Harper's first birthday party.

I almost always hang out with Aunt Katie at these functions.
She even brought me some new outfits, which I wore immediately!

I met Harper's grandmother, Mrs. McCormick.

Look at my belly!

My mom's friend Uncle Dan took those beautiful photos of me for my birth announcement. He's Harper's Daddy and Mrs. McCormick is Uncle Dan's Mom! My Mom has known Uncle Dan since she was a very little girl and Mrs. McCormick was a crossing guard at their grade school. Later, my Mom worked with Mrs. McCormick at Prudential. It was very exciting to finally meet her.

I also met Harper's cousin Erika.

I'm not mad at Erika, I was just really tired of the paparazzi. 

And of course, Samson and I are getting along just fine. I've learned how to pet him (read: grab his fur and pull). We relax on the couch together to watch the Phillies and he lays on the floor with me while I do tummy time.

Sometimes we hold paws.

This month sounds like it's going to be super fun too! Today, I'm going to meet Aunt Katie's Mom, Mrs. McNamee (or Mrs. Mac for short), and I'm going to my friend Corinne's first birthday party in a few weeks. And hopefully, I'll get to visit the sea shore and go on the beach for the very first time. I can't wait to show you pictures at the end of the month! Until then...



  1. Morgan, you are so witty and well written for a 5 Month old. Mom and Dad must be so proud!

  2. Morgan, GrGrMa here!! I have friends here from VA
    and I am showing them your blog and they think you are
    V E R Y cute, annnnnnnd you are going to have a great
    career in the blogosphere.
