Friday, August 31, 2012

Scandalous Math

August 31, 2012

Hi everyone! It's me, Morgan!

Can you believe it? I'm half a year old already!

August 29, 2012

Well, I'm like an 1/8 actually, since my real first birthday isn't until 2016! You probably didn't know I could do math.

But, I'll get back to that later.

First, my apologies for being a little late with my blog - I had my first real fever this week, the night before my monthly birthday. So, I've been resting up.

Since I was under the weather, I got to visit the doctor and get some new stats!

I weigh 16 pounds, 7 ounces,

And I'm 26.25 inches long (with a 17 inch head)!

Of course, it was another busy month.

On my 5 month birthday Aunt Katie's Mom, Mrs. Mac. came over to meet me. Mommy says she understand where Aunt Katie gets her "Baby Whisperer" from. Mrs. Mac. was soooo much fun!

I got to hang out with Aunt Rosemarie TWO times this month. The first time, I showed her all of my toys.

The second time, while we were waiting for Aunt Rosemarie to get ready for our visit, I met all of her friends in the hallway. Of course, all of the residents were smitten with me right away. I spent some time filling her in. Mom caught us on video - check it out!

I went to a couple of birthday parties this month again. One was for my Uncle Tim - he turned 30 this year.

We took a few photos, and at the end of the day, I had to choose the best one for everyone. Yes, Uncle Michael's eyes are closed. Yes, Uncle Tim looks bald. But, I look ADORABLE. So, obviously this benefits everyone.

By the way, Aunt Susan's birthday is the day after Uncle Tim's! That's CRAZY! She was down the shore, so I didn't get to see her on her birthday, so I sent her a special message.

P.S. I sent one to Uncle Tim too, but he already has a pic in my blog.

This month, I finally got to spend some time with Aunt Mama Hoods (Jenn) and Uncle Andy and Tessa and Aunt Jenny B. and Jo Jo.

Aunt Jenny B. and Aunt Mama Hoods are two of my Mom's college roommates. I can't wait until I'm big enough to play with their daughters!

I had my monthly sleepover at Nana's - watched some Sesame Street with Baron

went for a few strolls...

and visited Grandma Kathy for little bit. 

At the end of the month, me and Mom whipped up some mac and cheese for Aunt Erin. She was, like, a million months pregnant with Baby Gabe and we wanted to give her a little break. I got to hang with with my future BFF Addison too!

And Aunt Erin finally had Gabriel James on August 30th! I can't wait to post some pics of us meeting in my next blog!

Now, let's get back to this math thing. This weekend is my Mom and Dad's one year wedding anniversary (I can't wait until my September blog to share this). Now, and I've been doing some thinking and I'm like about 99% sure I WAS IN MY MOMMY'S BELLY AT THE WEDDING. That is scandalous!

I'm no mathmagician, but my Pop is, so I'm going to confirm with him when he comes with Mom Mom to babysit tomorrow.

That's all for now....


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