Monday, October 1, 2012

Seven Month Morgan!

October 1, 2012

Hi everyone! It's me, Morgan!

I have sooo much to tell you because I was very busy little ladybug this month!

First of all, let me apologize for the delay on my blog. I was at Uncle Tim's yesterday for family dinner, when Uncle Chris pointed out that my Mom forgot - FORGOT - my 7 month birthday.

I gasped in disbelief.

Are you for reals?


I couldn't sleep last night - I woke Mom and Dad up several times because it was weighing so heavily on my mind. But, listen, everyone makes mistakes, so Mom and I are just going to move past this.

Official 7 Month Birthday Picture

This is a real picture of me on my 7 month birthday, WITHOUT my special sticker, but, um, whatever (I guess).

So, let me tell you about my month, because I was SUPER busy.

First, on my 6 month birthday, I had to go to the doctor because the night before I had a very high fever. I'm OKAY, so please, DON'T worry. I weighed in at 16 pounds, 7 ounces and was 26.25 inches long (with a 17 inch head).


Then, one week later, I had my official 6 month visit with the doctor. This time, I weighed in at 16 pounds, 14 ounces, and I grew a quarter of an inch!

Um, did you know there are MORE shots at 6 months?

Ohhhhhhhh NO you don't!

Not cool. NOT COOL!

Then, a week later, I had to go back again (seriously, I know). Luckily, Mom assured me there were no more shots - she sang about it the whole car ride there (I was personally hoping to listen to Mumford and Sons).

I had a little rash on my thumb and daycare thought it might be ringworm (it wasn't). But, we did find out I'm pretty much a growing MANIAC! I was 17 pounds, 5 ounces and I grew an inch in one week (27.5 inches)!

Also? I got the flu shot. Mom was only singing apologies on that car ride home.

I think I mentioned last time that my Mom and Dad celebrated their scandalous first wedding anniversary on September 2nd. They broke out the top layer of their wedding cake, had a toast, then resumed paying attention to me all day long.

Samson doesn't look so good!
McGibble - that's awesome. I wish that was my last name!

As a present to me for their anniversary, I got to have a date night with Nana AND one with Mom Mom and Pop, while Mom and Dad went out by themselves (it's really hard to get them out of the house so I can have some me time with the people who spoil me best).

Labor Day, Great Grandma Evie and Great Grandpa came down to visit. Grandpa is sooo silly!

Great Grandma made me some delicious applesauce and she and Grandpa played with me until I just couldn't take anymore and fell asleep in Grandma's arms. She's very comfortable!

September 9 was my cousin Owen's birthday (and Aunt Katie's too!). It was also the first Eagles game of the season. I threw on my "away" onesie (compliments of my friends Noah and Nate and their parents Valerie and Mark) and went over to Uncle Chris and Aunt Jen's to celebrate and watch the game.

I usually watch the games with my Dad on Sundays, unless it's nap time (because even though the Eagles are very important, babies like me do not look this good without their beauty rest).

In my "home" onesie for the Home Opener. 

Speaking of birthdays, Uncle Michael's was on September 13. So I sent him a cute picture of myself. It really is the gift that keeps on giving!

And September 20 was Great Nana Dot's 88th birthday! She looks great, right?

This month I went in a swimming pool for the first time at my friend Lynn's house. My Mom works with Lynn on some projects, so they talked corporate training while I took a swim.

Don't worry, Mommy made sure I was
wearing plenty of sunscreen!
Mommy is so funny!
Mom and Dad should get a pool too!

We had so much fun!

That night, I went to my very first Phillies game! We got a family photo and I got an official first game certificate. AND my boyfriend Asher came with his parents.

I also got on Phanavision! What an awesome day!


By now, you may have noticed my biggest development - I sit up all by myself! There are still some times that I lose balance and fall over, but I'm doing pretty darn good. 

I really love to play in my bouncers.

This is how Samson and I kick it in the mornings
while Mom and Dad get ready for work. 
Aunt Jess let me borrow this doorway bouncer!

More fun than the toy bouncers is my human bouncer, Daddy.

I spend a lot of time practicing my voice too! There was this intriguing dark area on the wall. It moved every time I moved. So, I yelled at it a lot, but it never said anything back. Weird, right?

I did so well with all my first foods, that I'm beginning to try new ones. First up was carrots! I L-O-V-E carrots. Dad says carrots do NOT love me back. I also tried some oatmeal and yogurt. This week, I'm going to try some white potatoes and then asparagus! 

And now that I can sit up, I get to ride in the front of the shopping cart like a big girl!

Shopping is sooo much more fun now that I can see everything going on. And strangers can admire me much more easily.

I'm really perfecting my ability to grab and pull - especially skin and hair!

Daddy has a lot of hair that I use to practice. 
Samson thought he was in the clear when he got his hair cut,
but he's got the perfect kind of skin for grabbing. 

And I learned how to clap my hands!

As the month drew to an end, the weather started to get cooler. Mom and I knew we had very little time to show off all of my warmer weather fashion before it was too late. Let me review some of my most favorite outfits:

I have a new fall line, you'll see more of in my next blog!

Mom, Dad, Samson and I have been trying to enjoy the great outdoors more since the weather has cooled off a bit. This is us on a hike a few weeks ago.

Look at my first pony tail! 

Whew! A lot right? Life just never slows down for popular babies like me! I have a lot on my social calendar for October too - apple picking, watching the Eagles play the Steelers with my friend Owen, pumpkin picking with my friend Corrine, and Halloween, of course! This might be my most favorite season!

Happy Fall everyone!


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