Saturday, February 2, 2013

February 2, 2013

Hi everyone!

It's me, Morgan!

On January 29th I turned 11 months old! You know what that means.... only 1 more month (well, 26 more days) (well, actually only 25 more days because I don't even have a birth DAY this year, which I feel like is a little ridiculous) until I am ONE WHOLE YEAR OLD!

Honestly, this month was pretty laid back for us Gibbles. I've had quite a cough for the past few weeks and I think I'm definitely getting some more teeth, so I've been trying to relax and get some rest.

And don't think I'm ignoring the BIG pink elephant in the blog here - I know. It's late. Again. But here's the thing: lately, I'm pretty much glued to my Mom, which doesn't leave a whole lot of time for blogging. I really need you to be with me on this one.

I mean, next month will technically be one day early, because my real birth day isn't even happening in 2013 anyway. So, it all works out.

ANYwho, I went to the doctor so he could listen to my lungs and check my ears, so I got to get weighed and measured while I was there.

I am now 20 pounds, 3 ounces and 30 inches long. My large noggin is stayin' large at 18 inches. As you can see, I'm way too long now for the scale. From now on, I get to sit up for my weigh ins. 

I spent the month practicing some news skills. I'm an expert crawler now and can pull myself up on anything. So, now I'm working on walking. I use my walker to get around sometimes and sometimes I stand on my own with out holding on to anything. My teachers at daycare and my parents think I'll be walking in no time at all.

I'm also starting to eat real food. I really enjoyed spaghettios, and even practiced using a spoon to feed myself!

I also enjoy carrots, apples, peas, and sometimes broccoli. I like yogurt and cheese and a little bit of chicken. OH, and Cheerios!

And I'm practicing my mad musical skills. I have  drum set, but Mom showed me how pots and pans work as drums too!

Pretty much, all of that and sleeping has been taking up my time!

Me and Mom and Dad and Samson are doing well!

I can't wait for this month - it's going to be jam packed with fun! Nana's new store opened today. It's named after me. I went to the Grand Opening today and it was so much fun! When I get some photos, I'll have Mom post a special blog all about it! In the meantime, if you're looking for some antiques, Miss Morgan's Milkweed Antiques in Bethel, PA is the place to go! I've got connections :)

I absolutely cannot wait until the next blog post because it means I will have had my very first birthday party, which I am super excited about too!

Until then...


P.S. Beard Season is officially over for the year. Daddy tried out a mustache for about an hour last week, but decided he's not ready to rock it full time yet. What do you think?

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