Thursday, February 28, 2013

The BIG One: Part One

Hi everyone!

It's me, Morgan!

Can you believe the BIG day is here?

Well, big days, actually. My Mom says since it's not a Leap Year this year, and there's no February 29th, I get to celebrate my birthday two days in a row!

An event this big really needs several blog posts, so get ready!

First, let's recap the last month!

I mentioned before that my Nana opened a new store called Miss Morgan's Milkweed Antiques. That's right, Nana named it after me! I'm famous!

This is me with Nana and Pop Pop in front of my portrait in the shop! You can't tell, but I had on a very sassy leopard print ensemble.

I was Nana's very first customer! I bought my Mom a delicious vanilla candle. Mmmmm.

That Nana - look how funny she thinks I am!

You do too? 

Oh, Mom and Dad were there too. 

I showed you pictures of Doughnut Day in my last blog. I think, overall, February is going to be an excellent month for special sweet treats!

I got to be my Dad's very special Valentine on my very first Valentine's day (and Mommy and Samson's too!).
I even signed my card for him all by myself!
I received a whole bunch of cards too!
I was so excited to get to school to see my boyfriends, that I was less than cooperative in getting a good shot of my outfit. Thankfully, Miss Melanie got one for my Mom. 

Outfit compliments of Mom Mom.

This month I also had my first birthday photo shoot. Uncle Dan is an excellent photographer. I don't want to give anything away - you can see the pictures in one of my next birthday blog posts! 

Mom says it seems like every day I look a little different and I'm learning something new. I have my top middle teeth now and I think I'm working on some molars (ouch!). My hair is pretty much out of control. 

While I've been saying "Da Da" for quite a while now, I'm starting to say "Daddy" a little bit too. I have my own version of Samson, which sounds a little like "Dan-don." I know what "Uh Oh" means and use it often. And I just recently started saying "Cheese!" when my Mom takes picture of me!

I enjoy practicing with my walker and my new shopping cart from my friend Corrine. I'm seriously close to walking on my own. I like to sing and dance. And I love, love, love playing peek-a-boo!

I had a chance to play outside in the park for a little bit on a warmer day this month. I can't wait for the Springtime when I can swinging all the time!

But, the BIG event this month (besides my birth day itself, of course) was my very first birthday party! Oh my gosh, guys, it was so. much, fun. All of my family and friends came over to celebrate with me! I'm really a very lucky little ladybug.

Mommy found my birthday dress months ago when we went on a shopping spree together. It's blue with little pink, white, and navy blue ladybugs on it. Obviously, I had to have it. So, the whole party was themed like the ladybugs on my dress!

Here's a shot of me with some of my decorations.

My Mom printed out all sorts of pictures of me from throughout this past year. It was really fun to look back and see how much I changed and remember all of the fun times we've had so far!

For my birthday party, I asked out guests to bring donations to the SPCA instead of bringing me gifts. There are so many special animals who need food and toys and towels. You can see that we set up a collection station for the donations. Guess what? I still got gifts too! That was so nice!

And boy was I excited about this dessert display!

That's a picture of me in the center there :)

And check out my lady bug cake up close!

The whole cake was for me!
Speaking of cake, let's get right to that. It was obviously the most fun part of the party for me!

First, everyone gathered around and sang to me. I had no idea that was going to happen. I really enjoy making music, singing, and dancing, you know.

Then, I really got to dig in. That blue ladybug head was DElicious!

It was really a great day!

Oh, and I had my one year check up with the doctor!

See that scale? It says I'm 21 pounds! I think it was all the cake and ice cream this month, for sure. I'm 31 inches long (I grew an inch!) and my head is staying steady at 18 inches.

However, I am not happy to report that the one year appointment included blood work. UGH! And I have to go back for my shots. Double UGH!


Mom promised that she's sending a special treat to school with me that day, so I can celebrate my birthday with all my friends and teachers, so I think I'll be okay!

Next up: my BIG day and a visit to the Please Touch Museum!


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