Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Doughnut Day!

February 12, 2013

Hi everyone!

It's me, Morgan!

Did you know today is Doughnut Day?

I really had no idea what that meant until Mom placed this little piece of heaven in front of me this morning.

The recipe comes from my Mom Mom's Nana. Mom Mom has been making homemade doughnuts using the same recipe for over 40 years! And now my Mom makes them too!

I didn't waste any time snapping that doughnut up this morning. Sugar for breakfast? HECK YEAH!

Mmmmmmmmmm. It. was. delicious.

I really could have eaten several more, but Mom says I'm still a little small. So, she and Dad helped finish up the batch. And we shared some with our neighbors and Mom Mom and Pop and I brought some to school (so maybe I'll get another one after all).

Now, this is a tradition I can really get behind!


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